lunes, 31 de octubre de 2016

Recover Administrator@vsphere.local

Lost password administrator@vsphere.local?

In ocassions is common lost the password of the user administrator@vsphere.local; so We can reset this password.  In my case I'm going to use vCenter Server with based Windows Server Installation.

Complete these steps before:

1.  Connect to vCenter Server with Administrator local user.
2.  Open CMD with Privileges
3.  Execute this command.  E:\Program files\VMware\vCenter Server\vmdird>vdcadmintool.exe

After choose the third option, fill the user in this case administrator@vsphere.local and then you've got the password.  Here the proccess:

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domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016

Lock .vmdk or .vmx

How to know what host is locking the VM?

Sometimes in VMware vSphere after a HA event some vms has an startup failed; occasionally is the vCenter Virtual Machine.  So if you have access to the datastore files you can know how to find that host  has some process that don´t let you start the virtual machine, here the answer:

So, we first to find the datastore, just put this command in your ssh client connected to the esxi host :

1.  With this command you can find and identify the datastore connected to the esxi host.

      df -h 

2.  Use this command for find the host that has locked the virtual machine.

vmfsfilelockinginfo -p /vmfgs/volumes/yourdatastore/yourlostvm/yourlostvm.vmx or yourlostvm.vmdk  -v ipofvcenterserveraddress  -u administrator@vsphere.local

In this image you can see the process.

3.  After that you need to connect to the host en look for the vm process.

     esxcli vm process list

     Take note of the Worl ID number.

4.  In this step you need to user the world id number
      esxcli vm process kill -t soft -w yourworlidnumber

      This the KB about the 3 and 4 steps:         language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1014165 

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jueves, 7 de julio de 2016

Recreating VMDK

How to create a .vmdk from flat.vmdk?

Hello Guys!!

In this post I'm going to Show how to recreate a vmdk file from a flat.vmdk.

Run from esxcli df -h here you can find the volume where you virtual machine reside.

so, run ls -l for identify your virtual machine

Here you need to run this command: ls -l yourvirtualmachinename-flat.vmdk this output show the virtual disk size.

After that you need to execute this command: vmkfstools -c 4294967296 (this the virtual disk size) -a lsilogic -d thin temp.vmdk

Here you need to execute this command: mv temp.vmdk yourvirtualmachinename.vmdk

Here execute this command vi yourvirtualmachinename.vmdk

Take Note: You should execute this command in the virtual machine directory.

After just exit and start your virtual machine.

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miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016

Creating a View Desktop Pool

How to create a View Desktop?

Please follow this steps

In this part We have three Options, In my case Automated Desktop Pool

In this part I am going to choose Dedicated.

Take Note: If you want instant clone (the new feauture in Horizon View 7) select Floating.

In this part select Full Virtual Machines or View Composer Linked Clones.

Take Note: For View Composer Linked Clones you need to install View Composer in a Windows Server.

In this part choose an ID and a Name.

Take Note: If you fill just the ID this will be the Desktop Pool Display Name too.

Select the Protocol and Another things that you prefer. In my case PCoIP and HTML Acces.

Take Note: In VMware Horizon View 7 you can select VMware Blast; If you select this protocol you can access the desktop through the Browser (Firefox, Chrome).

In this part fill the Name.......... don´t forget the size........

I prefere a separate datastore... If you don't have VSAN!!

Fill the Info and click to Next...

Select the OU for your dekstops in Active Directory... Click to Next

Click to finish and you're ready!!!

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Creating a View Desktop Pool

How to create a View Desktop?

Please follow this steps

In this part We have three Options, In my case Automated Desktop Pool

In this part I am going to choose Dedicated.

Take Note: If you want instant clone (the new feauture in Horizon View 7) select Floating.

In this part select Full Virtual Machines or View Composer Linked Clones.

Take Note: For View Composer Linked Clones you need to install View Composer in a Windows Server.

In this part choose an ID and a Name.

Take Note: If you fill just the ID this will be the Desktop Pool Display Name too.

Select the Protocol and Another things that you prefer. In my case PCoIP and HTML Acces.

Take Note: In VMware Horizon View 7 you can select VMware Blast; If you select this protocol you can access the desktop through the Browser (Firefox, Chrome).

In this part fill the Name.......... don´t forget the size........

I prefere a separate datastore... If you don't have VSAN!!

Fill the Info and click to Next...

Select the OU for your dekstops in Active Directory... Click to Next

Click to finish and you're ready!!!

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jueves, 21 de abril de 2016

View Connection Server 7

Installing VMware Horizon 7

Hello Guys,

How We know VMware recently launched VMware Horizon 7 and no I'm going to show you how to install the View Connection Server.

First, We need launch the installer like a administrator user.

So, check I accept the terms in the license agreement and Click Next

Change the directory for the installation, I recommend a partition diferent to C:

Just click to Next

This part is very important in my case is my first connection server so, I selected Horizon 7 Standard, so We need check Install HTML Access (Blast Extreme), click to Next.

Data recovery..... Set password and click to Next

This is the account user... for administration... click Next

User experience.... Next.

Just check the information here and click to Install.

And Finish to complete the installation..

And here we go, the first login

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sábado, 5 de marzo de 2016

PowerCLI: Basics

Creating a New Virtual Machine

Hello Guys 

This is my first post with Power Cli, so I'l try to show you how to create a New Virtual Machine.

Here I go!!!

  • First, We have to connect to the VMware Infraestructure, If you don't have the vCenter Server installed you can use the ESXi Host.

   Connect-VIServer -Server YourIpServer -User administrator@vsphere.local -Password                      yourpassword

  • Then you need to créate a Folder for VM

          Get-Folder VM
          $nf=Get-Folder VM
          New-Folder -Name "YourFolderName" -Location $nf

  • After that you need to create a ResourcePool

           $cl=Get-Cluster YourClusterName
           New-ResourcePool -Name YourRpName -Location $cl

  • And now we create the variables for using them for the virtual machine creation function.           

          $rp=Get-ResourcePool YourRpName
          $ds=Get-Datastore YourDatastoreName
          $fm=Get-Folder YourFolderName
          Take Note: This symbol $ indicates that is a variable.  

  • Here we create the Virtual Machine 

   New-VM -Name "VMCLI" -ResourcePool $rp -Location $fm -Version v8 -Datastore       YourDatastoreName -DiskGB 10 -DiskStorageFormat Thin -MemoryGB 2 -Portgroup YourPortgroupName -VMhost $vh[1]

So, I did it in my lab......

  • And now we start the VM

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sábado, 6 de febrero de 2016

VMware vExpert

vExpert 2016: Results

Hello guys!!!

Yesterday VMware vExpert pogram showed the results and afortunely for me I am a New VMware vExpert, so I'm really glad for this award and thank you to everyone that read my blog and all my friends that knows my passion for VMware Technologies.

So, I'd like to give thanks to: My Mother, My Father, My sisters (They are my family and is not easy to live with a brother that just like IT technologies hahahha Thanks a lot, your are an amazing family), Fabian Garcia, Carlos Robles, Camilo Buitrago (You're awesome guys) and many friends more that all the time share my post, share my little knowledge I just can say Thanks!!!.

So, this is the link:

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Installing Kubernetes on RHEL 9

  Hello Guys, In this post I will show you how to install a Kubernetes cluster on RHEL8. Let's Start: Disablle Swapp: sudo swapoff -a Co...