sábado, 6 de febrero de 2016

VMware vExpert

vExpert 2016: Results

Hello guys!!!

Yesterday VMware vExpert pogram showed the results and afortunely for me I am a New VMware vExpert, so I'm really glad for this award and thank you to everyone that read my blog and all my friends that knows my passion for VMware Technologies.

So, I'd like to give thanks to: My Mother, My Father, My sisters (They are my family and is not easy to live with a brother that just like IT technologies hahahha Thanks a lot, your are an amazing family), Fabian Garcia, Carlos Robles, Camilo Buitrago (You're awesome guys) and many friends more that all the time share my post, share my little knowledge I just can say Thanks!!!.

So, this is the link: http://blogs.vmware.com/vmtn/

Thanks for visiting my blog!!!

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jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016

VMware Certification - New Roadmap 2016

Roadmap 2016

Hello Guys!!!

Yesterday VMware showed in the VMware Certification WebPage the last roadmap, so I divided the roadmap like this:

1.  Datacenter & Virtualization
2.  Cloud Management & Automation
3.  Desktop & Mobiity
4.  Network Virtualization.

Here you can see link information:

1.  Datacenter & Virtualization


2.  Cloud Management & Automation


3.  Desktop & Mobiity


4.  Network Virtualization



  • If you want to be a VCIX you need to present two exams VCAP-Design and VCAP-Deploy.
  • The format VCIX is the same for all the technologies (Datacenter, Desktop, Cloud & Network).
  • VCAP-Design: This exams evaluate if you know all the best practices to design & Integrate a vmware solution.
  • VCAP-Deploy: This exams evaluate if you knows all about deploy and optimization for a VMware Solutions.
  • VCDX: This design is the same format that the roadmap before.

Good luck in you next VMware Certification!!!

I'll be present VCAP-Deploy for Datacenter in the next month I'll show you my experience.

Thanks for visiting my blog!!

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Installing Kubernetes on RHEL 9

  Hello Guys, In this post I will show you how to install a Kubernetes cluster on RHEL8. Let's Start: Disablle Swapp: sudo swapoff -a Co...